The field is required
No special characters (! ~ ` at # $ % ^ & * + ( ) ; : = { } [] , . ? / \" \
The minimum character name must be 2
The surname and first name must be different
The field is required
No special characters (! ~ ` at # $ % ^ & * + ( ) ; : = { } [] , . ? / \" \
The minimum character name must be 2
The surname and first name must be different
The field is required
The field must contain an email
The field is required
The field must contain an email
L'email de confimation doit être identique
The field is required
The minimum character name must be 12
The field must contain at least one capital letter
The field must contain at least one lowercase letter
The field must contain at least one specific character (! ~ ` at # $ % ^ & * + ( ) ; : = { } [] , . ? / ‘ \
The field must contain at least one number